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How to Get the Best Price When Selling Your Home

At Swinden Homes, we care more, which is why we understand how difficult it can be for you to sell your home. You may be feeling a little anxious about the entire process, and rightfully so. You want to make

Happy Halloween from Lake County, IL

O trick or treat, O trick or treat. How lovely are thine satchels? Maybe that wasn’t the proper lyrics, season or equipment, but it’s that time of year when your youngsters go door-to-door in the neighborhood and demand people to

Wiring Money

About to close on the sale of your home? Be aware that cybercriminals are lurking. ‘Check? No, you emailed me the wire instructions’ By JOANNE CLEAVER An experienced real estate investor, Amir Anjarwala was on automatic pilot for another routine closing

Why are barns red? Don’t know? Meet Mr. John Rouse. John knows why barns are red and many more fascinating facts about farms and barns.

Meet John Rouse

Why are barns red? Don’t know? Meet Mr. John Rouse. John knows why barns are red and many more fascinating facts about farms and barns. Laura stumbled upon John by chance while selling a home neighbor of Mr. Rouse. She

Buyer advice in strange times

Buyer advice in Strange Time

We live in strange times. Stephanie J. Brown wrote, “Don’t compare your life to others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time.” So whose time in real estate is it? Certainly, it’s

outdoor kitchen

How to Create Your Ultimate Outdoor Kitchen

Create a beautiful outdoor cooking space for relaxing and entertaining all summer long. As summer approaches and temperatures start to rise, no one wants to spend time inside sweating over a hot stove. With an outdoor kitchen, you can make

The benefits and draw backs of an open house

The Benefits and Draw Backs of an Open House

Our grandparents and their real estate agents used open houses to get the word out that their home was for sale. It was an invitation to the public to visit the house and “try it on”. The open house was

Contract with keys on paper

Improving the Odds of Receiving an Offer

In the Summer of 2021 it is almost impossible NOT to get an offer on your home. The inventory of existing homes for sale is low and new homes construction is in the incubation stage. That being said, the majority